Neighbourhood Plan
Broughton is a vibrant community and residents have for a long time been involved in shaping where they live. Initially, the Broughton Parish Plan was adopted by Kettering Borough Council in 2009 and then, following the passing of the Localism Act 2011, Neighbourhood Planning came in to effect - which was to set the next phase of our local democratic process running.
Neighbourhood Planning is a robust planning policy document which sits alongside National and Local Authority planning policy. A Neighbourhood plan provides detailed policy at a very local level for a specific and designated area.
The process for completing a Neighbourhood Plan follows national planning policy development procedure however as an exceptional departure from any other planning process, for Neighbourhood Planning, the community itself has to vote to accept the Plan with a final Referendum.
The Broughton Neighbourhood Plan was passed at Referendum by Broughton residents in September 2018 and all planning decisions from that point with regard to Broughton Parish are subject to policy within the Neighbourhood Plan.
Our Neighbourhood Plan was organised and produced by volunteers and shaped completely by community input. There was no cost incurred by the community of Broughton in the delivery of the Plan.
The whole Neighbourhood Planning process has been enlightening for the village in many varied aspects and we are delighted that we have our Broughton Neighbourhood Plan in place providing the strategic blueprint of our future through to 2031.
Alongside the Broughton Neighbourhood Plan, there existed the opportunity to create a Neighbourhood Development Order which sets out an outline planning permission for the current BT Exchange in Church Street as a safeguarding measure should the land become available for development during the period of the Neighbourhood Plan through to 2031.
The Development Order provides outline permission for 5 up to 7 small scale dwellings as starter homes or downsizing opportunities in response to an established housing requirement for Broughton.
The Development Order followed exactly the same process as the Neighbourhood Plan and was passed at Referendum by Broughton residents in September 2018.
The Steering Group was commended by the Government Planning Inspector for its initiative. The Broughton Development Order was noted subsequently as being the first Order of its type to be passed into effect nationally.
The Steering Group for the Broughton Neighbourhood Plan and the Broughton Development Order comprised of : Cllr's Hilary Bull, Pat Scouse, Mary Rust, Roy Baxter, Robin Shrive.